As a playful toy brings a smile on a toddler’s face, same is the case with a designer when he really comes up with an amazing logo design for that toy company. Due to the rising competition in the business field, toys are not just made with a purpose to cherish little innocents but to have an identity in the market as well.

Ultimately, this has expanded the vision and scope of logo designing as well. Only a designer can explain you the true worth of having an interactive logo for your business. With every passing day, the demands & expectations from a logo are rising to a whopping level. And to reach it, all you need is to be a little bit creative and thoughtful.

If you’re about to create a logo design but feeling a bit bemused them, here are few suggestions that may help you to come up with a masterpiece.

  1. Stay connected with the idea of designing a logo for kids.
  2. Create something which a kid may relate to and can easily understand it.
  3. Be naughty & cheerful with your colour selection. Use vivacious colours to grab the attention of kids easily.
  4. Analyze the today’s world demand.
  5. Keep it simple yet unique.

Well, that was all about the factors that you must keep in your mind while designing a toy logo. Now, let’s put some light on the world’s best toy logo designs which are attractive, bestselling and have become a brand in itself.

  1. Paw Patrol Toys Successfully leading the world of toys from last one decade, Paw Patrol Toys have earned a unique identity in the market. Started from manufacturing ordinary toys, now they offer a complete range of playsets, plush toys, kids’ vehicles, crafts and even some electronic toys as well. To know better about this brand, ask your toddler may be s/he knows more than you.


  1. Lego – This brand has become a distraction as well as a great source of enjoyment for every kid, especially in the United States and Western Europe. Lego started with manufacturing plastic made toys and at present, they offer interestingly designed video games, board games children’s clothing items, books, comics, magazines and much more.
  1. Hot Wheels – Considered as one of the best works, Hot Wheels logo design has its own charm that can be easily recognized. Be it the designing art or the apt colour selection, everything is just more than perfect.

  1. Baby Einstein – Designing toys for infants is a little risky as you’ve to be cautious about everything like size, shape, weight & colour, but Baby Einstein excels in this art. The logo of these toys brands has a rough sketch of Einstein which is too adorable for words.
  1. Barbie – A pink colour dress and a Barbie doll is what a cute little princess dreams of. Barbie needs no introduction. This brand has given us the right description of perfection & beauty with their aptly designed dolls.The final word-

These toy companies got their unique identity for coming up with innovative toys range. Be it a vehicle or a dollhouse, the toy world has everything to let kids enjoy their imaginary world & make memories of their everyday play time.